Astronomical School’s Report, 2018, Volume 14, Issue 2, Pages 56–61
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UDC 521.33:551.24

The algorithm and the basic formulas of the reduction of fundamental constants to the planetary coordinate system

Fys M.M., Brydun A.M., Yurkiv M.I.

Lviv Polytechnic National University, 79013, Lviv, Karpinskyi street 6


In this article one of the algorithms for the construction of parameters of the planet gravitational field and its dynamical ellipticity into a planetary coordinate system is presented. The example shows the possibility of its application in the construction of three-dimensional models of the distribution of the masses of the celestial body and a comparison of the density values in two coordinate systems is performed, which confirms their equality.

Keywords: planet's gravitational field; planetary reference system; dynamical ellipticity


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