Author instructions
Dear colleagues! The Editorial Board of “Astronomical School’s Report” invites you to publication of your scientific research.
Requirements for manuscript:
Language of the paper may be English, Ukrainian or Russian.
Maximal size of the paper is 16 pages for invited lectors and 8 pages for others (A4 format, approximately 30 lines per page, 65 symbols per line), including tables and figures (no more than 1 figure per 3 pages).
The structure of the manuscript:
- Type of the paper (original research, methodological paper, review paper, short report)
- The title of the paper
- Authors (with numerical indexes)
- List of institutions (with full addresses). E-mail, phone and ORCID identifier are required for the corresponding author
- Abstract
- Objects of study
- Keywords
- Text of the paper
- References
- Appendices (if any)
- List of potential peer reviewers (up tp 5 persons) with institutional e-mails
The abstract text should have a minimum of 1800 characters. The structure of the abstract should correspond to the structure of the paper (e.g. Introduction, Data and methods, Results and discussion, Conclusion)
The recommended structure of the paper text:
- Introduction
- Data and methods
- Results and discussion
- Conclusions
- Acknowledgments
- References
Formulae and literal notations should be typed in common style: variables are italic, vectors and matrices are boldface, functions are roman. It is advisable to use SI physical units.
The References should be ordered alphabetically and chronologically by the last names of the authors. The book editor’s last name (if authors’ names are absent on the cover page) is placed after the paper title. Such entries in the reference list are ordered by the title. For papers by five and more authors, only first three authors should be given, followed by “et al.”. The reference entry must correspond to the issue’s title page. For articles the reference entry must include the source title, year, issue number, first and last page numbers. Please use APA style for the References. All referenced in the text must be given in square brackets (for example, [2]). Citations of unpublished papers are not admitted.
An electronic version of the paper in LaTeX or Microsoft Word format must be sent via e-mail to When using LaTeX the authors should employ standard article class and avoid using of non-standard packages. Pictures are submitted in EPS or in one of popular raster formats. Pictures must be high quality black-and-white or gray images. Recommended size of pictures is 80–160 mm. Scanned images are disapproved.
The author should suggest potential peer reviewers (up tp 5 persons). Part of the potential reviewers may be members of the Editorial Board. The Editor reserves the right to select peer reviewers not from the suggested list.
Papers that do not satisfy the requirements are not considered. The paper is declined if it has not been corrected by author during 3 months after peer reviewing.
There is no submission fee, but all authors of manuscripts which are accepted for publication must pay the Article Processing Charge (APC) of 30 UAH (Ukrainian hryvnias) per 1000 printed characters. Figures are free of charge.