Astronomical School’s Report, 2015, Volume 11, Issue 2, Pages 163–166
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UDC 517.521.7+517.588+621.391

Generalized trigonometric functions and their applications

Denysyuk V.P.

National Aviation University, Ukraine


The basics of generalized trigonometric functions theory are developed. We give an example of this theory application illustrating the effect of frequencies deployment which is inverse to the well-known effect of overlaying frequencies.

Keywords: divergent series; divergent trigonometric series; generalized functions; overlaying frequencies effect


  1. Khardi G. (1951). Raskhodyaschiesya ryady. M.: Izd. inostr. lit.. 504 p.
  2. Kolmogorov A.N., Fomin S.V. (1968). Elementy teorii funktsy i funktsional’nogo analiza. M.: Fizmatgiz. 496 p.
  3. Denysiuk V.P. (2015). Metod σk (r,α) mnozhnykiv pidsumovuvannia riadiv Furye. Naukovi visti NTUU “KPI”, 2015(4), 34–40.
  4. Denysiuk V.P. (2015). Fundamental’ni funktsiyi ta tryhonometrychni splayny. K.: ZAT “VIPOL”. 296 p.
  5. Khurgin Ya.I., Yakovlev V.P. (1971). Finitnye funktsii v fizike i tekhnike. M.: Nauka. 408 p.

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