Astronomical School’s Report, 2020, Volume 16, Issue 2, Pages 33–37
UDC 528.946
Web-mapping of environmental pollution of the surface waters of the Lviv region
Sohor A.R., Fys M.M., Brydun A.M., Sohor M.A.
Lviv Polytechnic National University, 79013, Lviv, Karpinskyi street 6
The ecological status of the surface waters of the Lviv region is influenced by closely related various factors, namely: soil pollution, atmosphere, change of landscape structure and technogenic congestion of the territory, inefficient work of sewage and treatment facilities, failure of the mapping of coastal water protection and marsh, as well as their non-observance, especially in settlements, pollution and clogging of rivers with household and other wastes, trellising of forests along streams in mountainous terrain. Another important problem that leads to surface water pollution in the region is the lack of water protection zones and coastal protection strips of water bodies in the territory of the region. Absence of planning and mapping materials and uncertainty on the terrain boundaries of water protection zones and coastal protection strips lead to violations of land and water legislation when using them. At present, the state of water bodies in Ukraine, and in particular in the Lviv region is at an unsatisfactory level. The main problems in this area are the progressive nature of the negative impact on the environmental and human health. As at present there is no cartographic material that can visualize the problem of surface water pollution in Lviv region, the main purpose of this work was to create an interactive map of surface water pollution. To achieve this goal, we collected and systematized geospatial statistical mapping materials on the ecological status of the surface waters of the Lviv region. The necessary software for the development of the interactive map is identified and its possibilities are examined. An algorithm for loading geospatial data into the created web resource has been developed. The application template for the creation of web-maps of the monitoring network of the surface water of the Lviv region and the discharge of sewage for 2017–2018 in ArcGIS Online environment was selected. Thus, two interactive maps of ecological pollution of Lviv region's surface water in ArcGIS Online were developed.
Keywords: geospatial data; State Service of Geodesy Cartography and Cadastre; ecological mapping; surface water pollution; interactive map; ArcGIS Online environment; Microsoft Office Excel environment
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