Astronomical School’s Report, 2018, Volume 14, Issue 2, Pages 78–80
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UDC 528.721.122

Using the map service “Wikimapia” to quickly determine the planned coordinates of topographic objects

Goncharenko O.S.1, Gladilin V.N.2, Katushkov V.O.3

1Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Hlushkova Avenue 4a, 03127 Kyiv, Ukraine
2National Aviation University, Kosmonavta Komarova Avenue 1, 03058 Kyiv, Ukraine
3Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Povitroflotsky Avenue 31, 03037 Kyiv, Ukraine


In the article, on the basis of experimental measurements, the accuracy of determining the coordinates and distances between points on the raster image of the Internet resource “Wikimapia” is investigated in comparison with GPS definitions. Creation of spatial photogrammetric models of terrain in conditions of dense building is a complex set of technologies of removing and processing, developing in the direction from analogue to digital. In view of this, each stage of the overall complex of works has a number of problems that need to be addressed with a scientific approach and improvement of theoretical and practical developments. The use of digital geodetic technology with the use of satellite systems in combination with electronic geodetic instruments, the introduction of new methods for building geodetic networks, the collection of information by ground and aerospace removal, the unification of exchange formats of measurement results on the basis of computer technologies and their application in field and office conditions, improve the complex processing of the information received. At the same time, justification for the choice and application of remote methods for collecting spatial information in order to improve the accuracy of the final product, requires the identification, analysis and consideration of a number of errors. The purpose of this research was to determine the accuracy of coordinate measurement in the Holosiivskyi district of Kyiv using the mapping service “Wikimapia”.

Keywords: coordinate determination accuracy; raster image; Wikimapia


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