Astronomical School’s Report, 2017, Volume 13, Issue 2, Pages 112–115
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UDC 332.12:658.7

Using navigational technologies in geologistics problems

Nіkolaenko А.Е.1, Kozub A.N.2

1National Aviation University, Kosmonavta Komarova Avenue 1, 03058 Kyiv, Ukraine
2National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovkyi, Povitroflotsky Avenue 28, 03049 Kyiv, Ukraine


The application of GIS and navigational technologies in the problems of logistics is considered, which led to the creation of a new discipline – geology. The most effective solution to the problems of reducing costs and improving the quality of the freight transport process is the introduction of geographic information systems to solve the problems of routing, accounting and transport planning. When solving the problems of transport and warehouse logistics, GIS can be considered as a necessary component of the logistics system for managing the work of the motor transport company, planning of transport, optimization of the location and operation of distributed storage facilities. The implementation of the satellite monitoring system based on GIS is considered. The use of navigation and GIS technology allows you to view on an electronic map all vehicle movements for the selected time period, its route of movement and the state of connected sensors. In enterprises that use GIS in conjunction with satellite monitoring systems, the efficiency of fleet management is significantly improved. By studying the received reports, the management has the opportunity to plan and carry out transportation more rationally, to optimize routes and schedules of traffic. The software module for transport logistics is described, which is part of the typical configuration of the logistics company's geographic information system, its functional purpose, the advantages of implementation, in conjunction with the use of navigation technologies for satellite transport monitoring. The Transport Logistics Program module is a complex integrated solution for planning, managing and controlling transport fleet and cargo transportation on the basis of a cargo transportation planning and accounting system and GPS monitoring system. The module is intended to automate the operation of dispatching and logistics services of a motor transport company in the field of accounting for cargo transportation orders and efficiently allocate them to an existing transport fleet with optimal cartographic routes. Allows you to reduce the costs of the enterprise, improve the efficiency of work and customer service.

Keywords: navigation technology; satellite transport monitoring; geographic information system; transport logistics


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