Astronomical School’s Report, 2017, Volume 13, Issue 1, Pages 40–47
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UDC 656.11

Transport problems of modern cities

Zatserkovnyi V.I., Tustanovska L.V., Kobryn O.V.

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Hlushkova Avenue 2a, 03127 Kyiv, Ukraine


Urbanization of cities, increasing traffic flows causes the emergence of transport problems and creates a number of negative situations for the transport network of the city and society as a whole. Modern large cities and megalopolises are constantly facing transport problems that require finding the right, automatized solutions. The conditions of life in cities depend to a large extent on how efficiently the transport network operates. The primary task of the transport network of a large city is to provide convenient and quick access to work places, service areas, cultural and educational institutions. One of the most urgent problems of the urban traffic is the provision of the street-road network (UDM) capacity. Difficulties connected to the admission of high-intensity traffic flows increase through a large number of pedestrian flows. Increasing the number of individual cars and changing the structure of the city causes on top environmental problems and problems of road condition and quality. The main instrument of traffic management is colour light signaling, designed for the first pass of road users through a certain section of the UDM, and also for determination unsafe sections of streets (roads). The structure of modern automatized traffic management systems (ASM-T) is built on the hierarchical principle of information processing, which while identifying the total management system should operate, foresees the allocation of several mutually subordinate management levels: local, zonal, district, citywide. Transport models based on modern information technologies are powerful computational software complexes that, based on the functional and spatial characteristics of a city, together with all existing data, calculate the most likely distribution of transport and passenger flows by UDM. Since the transport network of a modern city is a space-distributional system, it is quite obvious that geo-information technologies should act as the environment for modeling, analysis and research. Effective resolution of transport network problems is to be solved with the help of geo-information analysis and geo-information modeling, namely through building a transport model of the city with the help of geo-information systems.

Keywords: transport infrastructure; street-road network; geo-information modeling; transport problems; traffic flows, safety; speed; quality; transportation; transport modeling


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