Astronomical School’s Report, 2016, Volume 12, Issue 2, Pages 137–141
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UDC 550.813:553.98(477.6)

A technique of the structural-tectonic elevations prediction using Earth remote sensing data

Tishaev I.V., Zatserkovnyi V.I., Yagorlytska K.P.

Kyiv Shevchenko National University, Ukraine


We consider an approach of using methods of Earth remote sensing data (RSD) classification for solving tasks of exploration geology and geophysics. Information obtained from the remote sensing data gives a possibility to clarify the structure of investigated areas and to determine neotectonic elevations, which act as certain indicators of promising areas with hydra-carbons contents. Reasonability of using such methods of RSD classification is based on connection between deep structure of surface resources (structural-tectonic setting) with current landscape, character of hydrologic network, geo-morphological, geo-botanical and other features. The advantage of Bayes classificator is not only in determination of object belonging to certain class, but also in calculation of probability of such belonging. For the formulated task this lets to forecast a presence of structural-tectonic elevations, which are potentially promising areas for hydra-carbons contents, using a formalized quantitative criterion. contents.

Keywords: remote sensing materials (RSM); geo-information systems (GIS); neotectonic elevations; hydra-carbons; classification methods


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