Astronomical School’s Report, 2015, Volume 11, Issue 1, Pages 69–74
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UDC 629.7.05:528.526.6

A possibility to determine the latitude and the polar flattening of the earth using the gyroscopic theodolite

Gladilin V.N.

National Aviation University, Ukraine


The measuring of the oscillation of the gyromotor axis of the gyrotheodolite in a horizontal plane gives an opportunity to obtain the direction of the geodesic meridian. For the increasing of accuracy of the geodesic azimuth determination it is suggested to determine the analytical dependence of the damped vibrations of the gyromotor and to superimpose the readouts of the observational system on this graph. For the reduction of measuring time it is necessary to program the model of oscillations of the gyroscope, to define its parameters and to use them for the determination of the geodesic azimuth. The measuring of the oscillations of the gyromotor axis of the gyrotheodolite in a vertical plane gives an opportunity to define the latitude of the gyrotheodolite placing. The phase trajectory of the gyromotor axis movement is spiral-like and can be well approximated by a logarithmic spiral, the ratio of the semiaxes of which allows to determine the polar flattening of the Earth that coincides with the common terrestrial WGS-84 in numeric form.

Keywords: gyrotheodolite; geodesic meridian; latitude


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