Astronomical School’s Report, 2014, Volume 10, Issue 2, Pages 109–114
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UDC 631.4:004

The concept of development of the integrated agricultural land assessment system

Zatserkovniy V.I.1, Gebrin L.V.1, Kryvoberets S.V.2

1National Aviation University, Ukraine
2Chernihiv National University of Technology, Ukraine


The article takes up some of the characteristics of Ukrainian soils current conditions. Here cartographically shown the matter of soils, heavy metals pollution of soils, soil loss tolerance and a radiation pollution of soils. The article also analyzes the functional diagram of the agricultural lands spatial data integration and the stages of implementation of the overall agricultural lands monitoring system. It describes the advantages of the integrated agricultural crops conditions assessment model and the advantages of crop yield forecasting based on remote sensing.

Keywords: remote sensing; aerospace monitoring; agricultural crops; yield; vegetation index


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