Astronomical School’s Report, 2013, Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 93–101
UDC 528.855+835
Creation of tools and development of techniques for post-launch calibration of space optic sensors of “Sich” space system
Zyelyk Ya.I.
Space Research Institute NASU-SSAU, Ukraine
The problems of the optical satellite-born equipment post launch calibration using for the first time founded in Ukraine calibration test site (CTS) in the area of National Space Center are formulated and in the first stage solved. On the base of the synchronous satellite imagery with ground-based measurements results of the test object (TO) spectral reflectance characteristics the presentation catalog and geoinformational database are created. Database include the polygonal TO vector layers, “Quick Bird-2” and “Sich-2” satellite images, digital model of CTS territory. CTS infrastructure is defined.
Keywords: calibration test site; optical satellite-born equipment; post-launch calibration; “Sich” space system
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