Astronomical School’s Report, 2018, Volume 14, Issue 1, Pages 42–50
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UDC 523.21

Diagram “mean density – global period” as a reflection of the gravitational ordering of the Solar planetary system

Skulsky M.Yu.

Lviv Polytechnic National University, 79013, Lviv, Karpinskyi street 6


The wave and gravitational factors that reflect the spatial characteristics of the Solar planetary system was analyzed. It is showed that the spatial structure of Solar system can be reflected in two algorithms of the same wave mechanism. It is also established that the wave ordering of our system is consistent with the global oscillations of the planets and the Sun that reflect the gravitational interactions of these objects. These wave and gravitational factors, that are presented in obvious interconnections and reflected in simple physical equations, are forming a peculiar phenomenon. The research of the detected phenomenon has been carried out, including new dwarf planets and the most massive satellites of the planets. All the main objects of the Solar system formed a clear functional relationship between the periods of their global oscillations and their mean densities. It is presented in the form of a diagram of “mean density – global period”. In this diagram, in particular, planets and groups of objects show some discreteness in their gravitational ordering, and the current locations of many massive satellites around planets prove the significant gravitational effect of tidal forces. In general, this original diagram is a certain step towards understanding the evolution of the Solar system and its ability to self-organization.

Keywords: Solar system; orbital ordering; mean densities; global oscillations


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