Astronomical School’s Report, 2017, Volume 13, Issue 2, Pages 116–121
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Probabilistic-statistical sequential analysis of the results of geodetic measurements

Gladilin V.N.1, Shudra N.S.2, Dubkova A.O.1

1National Aviation University, Kosmonavta Komarova Avenue 1, 03058 Kyiv, Ukraine
2Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Povitroflotsky Avenue 31, 03037 Kyiv, Ukraine


Determination of accuracy of control and geodetic measurements from defective numbers and their number when surveying and drawing up topographic plans. A sequential analysis of control and geodetic measurements makes it possible to fully use the information obtained on the quality of measurements, also it is possible due to the largest number of small differences to increase the percentage of large and allowable differences and per revolution. Thus this analysis to some extent regulates the tolerances of instruction and can be more conditionally related to the final solution for controlling the quality of topographic survey. It should also be noted that the proposed quality control technique by means of a sequential analysis of control and geodetic measurements can be used to control any industry whose quality is determined by measurement standards. In topographic surveys, it is necessary to carry out control and geodetic measurements to determine the quality of the survey, the number of which is not known in advance. In a sequential analysis for each number of measurements, the acceptance and rejection numbers for corresponding measurements are calculated in advance. After each measurement, the sum of the squares of the deviations of the control measurements from their actual value or from the average of the arithmetic mean is calculated, after which this amount is compared with the receiving and reject numbers at the corresponding number of measurements. If the sum squares of the deviation is less than the smallest defect number, then the control and geodetic measurements are completed and the performed works are considered to be benign, if the sum of the squares is greater than the largest defect number then the control and geodetic measurement continue. If, however, the sum of squares is greater than the largest defect number, then the work done on topographic survey must be reject.

Keywords: control and geodetic measurement; defective numbers


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