Astronomical School’s Report, 2016, Volume 12, Issue 1, Pages 67–71
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UDC 524.386-87

The study of exoplanets and protoplanetary discs in the Main astronomical observatory of NAS of Ukraine

Kuznyetsova Yu.1, Krushevska V.N.1, Zakhozhay O.V.1, 2, Matsiaka O.M.3, Vidmachenko A.P.1, Shliakhetskaya Ya.O.1, Andreev M.V.1, 4, Romanyuk Ya.O.1

1Main Astronomical Observatory NAS of Ukraine
2Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, Germany
3Queensland University of Technology, School of Mathematical Sciences, Brisbane
4International Center of Astronomical, Medical and Ecological Research, Ukraine


Long-term spectral and photometric observations of transit and nontransit exoplanet systems are carried out in MAO NAS of Ukraine. On the base of obtained data we study the influence of exoplanets on chromospherical activity of the host stars, model the light curves, calculate exoplanet system's parameters and search planets in eclipsing binary star's systems. In the field of protoplanetary disc researches it was developed a new algorithm for calculation of the energy distribution in spectra of systems containing a spherical central source and a surrounding protoplanetary disc.

Keywords: exoplanets; transits; timing; protoplanetary discs


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