Astronomical School’s Report, 2016, Volume 12, Issue 1, Pages 57–61
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Usage of space spectrophotometry for remote determination of physical and chemical properties of soil for landscape areas of the Transcarpathia

Gebrin-Baydi L.V., Belenok V.Yu., Zheleznyak O.O., Nikolaenko M.I.

National Aviation University, Ukraine


The methods of space spectrophotometry were used to identify soil types, to determine soil granulometric composition and to evaluate quantitative indicator of humus content in the soil based on mathematical calculations using spectral channels data of space images and terrestrial research data for different landscape zones of Transcarpathian region. After statistical processing of data we classified the types of soil, identified quadratic dependence between the spectral brightness of images and the content of physical clay in the soil and obtained quantitative indicators of humus content in the soil using the red channel data.

Keywords: remote sensing; space spectrophotometry; agrochemical characteristics of soils; humus determination; landscaped areas of Transcarpathia


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