Astronomical School’s Report, 2015, Volume 11, Issue 2, Pages 103–108
UDC 504.064:614.73:621.039.58:004.9:681.518.3
Geoinformation dataware for radiological monitoring of territories
Zatserkovnyi V.I.1, Kozachenko E.V.1, Shishenko O.I.2
1Kyiv Shevchenko National University, Ukraine
2National Aviation University, Ukraine
The paper provides a study, during which the fully accessible and open information from the literature and thematic maps is processed and systemized, reflecting the state of the problem of the radiological monitoring of the territories using the geoinformation technology. The stated ArcGIS technologies is used in the Web ecological Chernihiv region atlas for the map binding of sites and zones of the radioactive and chemical contamination of the territories as well as filling the atlas data with ecological and economical resources of the region.
Keywords: radiological monitoring; environmental pollution; ecological web atlas Chernihiv region; geographic information systems (GIS); geographic information technology (GIT)
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