Astronomical School’s Report, 2015, Volume 11, Issue 2, Pages 127–134
UDC 528.3
Using a high-precision zenith camera for the determination of the plumb deviations at oil-and-gas deposits
Gladilin V.N., Miskevich I.O., Slipko Yu.S.
National Aviation University, Ukraine
Features of the practical using of the matrix receivers of radiation as information recorders to determine the coordinates of point star images. A determination of the coordinates using the high-precision zenith camera and plumb deviation are used for the construction of the geoid surface by the profile. The location of a difference of the vectors (gradient) of gravity on the profiles indicates the presence of a substance that has a lower density than the surrounding layers of the crust.
Keywords: CCD matrix; plumb line deviations; point radiation source; matrix radiation detector
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