Astronomical School’s Report, 2015, Volume 11, Issue 1, Pages 91–98
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UDC 528.855+835

Detection of winter crops by satellite data on the basis of soil-adaptive perpendicular vegetation index

Pidgorodetska L.V., Zyelyk Ya.I.

Space Research Institute NASU-SSAU, Ukraine


The developed and implemented technique of winter crops detection on the basis of automatic classification of satellite raster imagery of the agricultural land in the perpendicular vegetation index PVI values according spectroradiometer MODIS MOD09 product and using ground reference data on crop rotation on the farm territory is considered. In the software environment ERDAS IMAGINE the PVI index calculation model is implemented, based on the equation of soil line, and built the raster image of the territory in the PVI index values is built. A high percentage of coincidence locations and of winter crops land areas (not less than 70%) classified by the developed technique with ground data on crop rotations on the farm territory demonstrates the possibility of techniques applying for effective operative detection of winter crops based on satellite data during the autumn-winter period on the regional level.

Keywords: winter crops; raster image; automatic classification; perpendicular vegetation index PVI; MODIS MOD09 data product; surface reflectance


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