Astronomical School’s Report, 2015, Volume 11, Issue 1, Pages 34–47
UDC 523.98
Double maxima of 11-year solar cycles
Krivodubskij V.N.
Astronomical Observatory, Kyiv Shevchenko National University, Ukraine
The explanation of the observed phenomenon of double peaks of the 11 year sunspot cycles is proposed. The scenario involves five processes of reconstruction of magnetism in the solar convective zone (SCZ): ω effect, magnetic buoyancy, macroscopic turbulent diamagnetism, rotary ∇ρ effect and meridional circulation. It was established that the reconstruction of magnetism in high-latitude and equatorial domains of the SCZ occurs in different modes. Two time-shifted waves of the toroidal field to the solar surface play a key role in the proposed mechanism in the equatorial domain.
Keywords: solar activity; sunspots; 11-year cycles; magnetic fields; turbulence; dynamo model of the solar cycle; turbulent reconstruction of magnetism
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