Astronomical School’s Report, 2014, Volume 10, Issue 2, Pages 115–122
UDC 528.855+835
Creation of geographic information database of subsatellite calibration test site
Zyelyk Ya.I., Semeniv O.V.
Space Research Institute NASU-SSAU, Ukraine
The prototype of geographic information database (DB) of the sub-satellite calibration test site has been created, to which user can be accessed from the free open-source geographic information system Quantum GIS (QGIS) environment. QGIS is used as an integrator of all data and applications and visualizer of the satellite imagery and vector layers of test sites in the cartographic interface. Conversion of the database from the local representation in the MS Access to the server representation in the PostgreSQL environment has been performed. Dynamic application to QGIS for user interaction from QGIS environment with the object-relational database and to display information from the database has been created. Functional-algorithmic part of these application and the interface for user interaction with the database has been developed.
Keywords: calibration test site; post-launch radiometric calibration; geographical information database; PostgreSQL; Quantum GIS
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