Astronomical School’s Report, 2014, Volume 10, Issue 1, Pages 20–30
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UDC 523.98

Origin and generation of magnetic fields of celestial bodies

Krivodubskij V.N.

Astronomical Observatory, Kyiv Shevchenko National University, Ukraine


We review mechanisms of space excitation of magnetic fields. It is noted that the turbulent helical motions in magnetic plasma leads to excitation of the “turbulent” electric field which is parallel to the large-scale magnetic field (alpha-effect). It is emphasized that the α-effect in the model of turbulent magnetic dynamo offers direct way to explain the cosmic magnetism. The achievements and problems of the αΩ-dynamo models of cyclic magnetic activity of the Sun are analyzed. It is noted that taking into account the non-linear effects of turbulent plasma and recent data of helioseismological experiments one can eliminate some of the difficulties of turbulent αΩ-dynamo model of the solar magnetic cycles.

Keywords: magnetic fields; turbulence; excitation mechanisms of cosmic magnetism; magnetic dynamo model of the solar cycle


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