Astronomical School’s Report, 2013, Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 107–110
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Meteor television observations in Research Institute “Nikolaev Astronomical Observatory”

Kulichenko N.A., Shulga A.V., Kozyrev E.S., Sibiryakova E.S.

Mykolaiv Observatory, Ukraine


The main results of meteor observations in optical range during 2012 – beginning 2013 are stated in the article. Comparative data of observation statistics and using different lens are also given. The results of first double station meteor observations are shown too.

Keywords: meteor; television observations


  1. Astapovich I.S. (1958). Meteornye yavleniya v atmosfere Zemli. M.: Fizmatgiz. 640 p.
  2. Kozyriev Ye.S. (2011). Prohramnyy produkt “Reyestratsiya meteornykh yavyshch z vykorystanniam televiziynykh kamer” (“Meteordetect”). Svidotstvo pro reyestratsiyu avtors’koho prava na tvir № 37593, vydane 25.03.2011 holovoyu departamentu intelektual’noyi vlasnosti Paladiyem M.V. .
  3. Kulichenko N.A., Kozyrev E.S., Sibiryakova E.S., Shul’ga A.V. (2012). Ispol’zovanie TV-kamer dlya nablyudeny meteorov. Kosmіchna nauka і tekhnologіya, 18(6), 67–72.

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