Astronomical School’s Report, 2013, Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 176–179
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UDC 523.46

Absorption of methane in the Saturn's atmosphere near 2009 equinox

Karimov A.M.

Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute, Kazakhstan


The latitudinal variations of intensity of the absorption bands of methane on Saturn before and after the equinox in 2009 are considered, when the tilt of the planet's equator to the direction to the Sun was close to zero and both hemispheres were in equal insolation. The basic global changes of meridional distribution of absorption in the weak and moderate bands of methane in the wavelength range of 580-800 nm are extracted. The most characteristic feature of Saturn – a reduced absorption of methane in the equatorial belt – retains.

Keywords: Saturn; absorption band; equivalent width; central depth; equator


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