Astronomical School’s Report, 2013, Volume 9, Issue 1, Pages 51–53
UDC 528.8; 523.14
Photometrical observations of geostationary satellites on small phase angles
Sukhov P.P.
Astronomical Observatory, Odessa National University, Ukraine
For determination photometrical and dynamic features geostationary satellites (GSS) required for his identifications as a rule, need long (the half of the year – year) photometrical observations under different positions GSS for observer. The author proposes to carry out photometry GSS times when equatorial satellites (with zero inclination and zero eccentricity) have a small phase angles. That is writing the light curves when GSS entering and output from Earth's shadow near dates equinox, when brightness satellite increases on several magnitude. In this, case possible effectively to use the telescopes with diameter of the mirror 50–70 cm. You can also get much more information about the object than on the long-term observation of large phase angles.
Keywords: geostationary satellite; photometric of the features; identification; phase angle; Earth's shadow; equinox
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