Astronomical School’s Report, 2013, Volume 9, Issue 1, Pages 54–58
UDC 528.8.04
System analysis methods for estimation of the condition of the urban territory by using the remote sensing space information (by example of Kiev)
Sokolovska A.V.
Scientific Centre for Aerospace Research of the Earth, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
We substantiate the possibility to use the Earth remote sensing space information for estimation of the condition of the urban territory (the Kyiv city is used as an example) for system simulation of changes in the structure of urban landscape components and assessment of their dynamics. The use of system methods to assess the environmental condition of anthropogenically altered territory, namely the method of influences adaptive balance; multiobjective optimization was made. The proposed approach provides an opportunity not only to conduct a qualitatively new level of monitoring of the impact of urbolandscape elements on the territory state, but also to predict changes in the ecological situation with minor errors and develop a sustainable management plan and public services.
Keywords: system analysis methods; remote sensing; assessment ecological condition of urban territory
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