Astronomical School’s Report, 2013, Volume 9, Issue 1, Pages 75–79
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UDC 523.44

Results of photometry of selected asteroids from the Hilda group

Slyusarev I.G., Shevchenko V.G., Belskaya I.N., Krugly Yu.N., Chiorny V.G.

Institute of Astronomy, Kharkiv V.N.Karazin National University, Ukraine


This paper presents the first results of CCD photometry of selected Hilda group asteroids. These observations are part of a program carried out in the Institute of Astronomy of the Kharkiv National University, that is aimed to receive the parameters of the rotation and the optical properties of asteroids from the resonant groups. The observations were carried out at the standard spectral bands V and R. We have observed 12 Hilda asteroids: 334 Chicago, 1038 Tuckia, 1162 Larissa, 1180 Rita, 1269 Rollandia, 1578 Kirkwood, 1746 Brouwer, 1748 Mauderli, 1754 Cunningham, 3134 Kostinsky, 3990 Heimdal, 9829 Murillo. 80 light curves of these asteroids were obtained. The obtained data allowed us also to defined, substantially improved or made estimates the rotation periods of 9 asteroids. New detailed magnitude – phase dependences were obtained for three asteroids: 334 Chicago, 1162 Larissa, 1748 Mauderli.

Keywords: asteroids; Hilda group; photometry; light curve; rotational period; magnitude – phase dependence


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