Astronomical School’s Report, 2013, Volume 9, Issue 1, Pages 15–19
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UDC 523.982+52-337

To the problem of temporal changes of magnetic fields in small-scale magnetic fluxtubes during 11-years cycle of solar activity

Lozitsky V.G.

Astronomical Observatory, Kyiv Shevchenko National University, Ukraine


We critical analyze paper by V.A.Kotov [1], what contains the important results of observations of total magnetic field of the Sun observed in Crimea astrophysical observatory in FeI 5247.1 and 5250.2Å lines during 2001–2011. A conclusion is argued that obtained observational data indicate the true magnetic field changes in small-scale flux tubes. Likely, magnetic field strengths in such fluxtubes change with solar cycle phase in the following way: maximum field values arise nearly the minimum of sunspots number, whereas minimum one – 2–4 years after peak of solar cycle. From comparison of named changes with visual measurements of magnetic fields in sunspots [2, 3] follows that magnetic field strength in large sunspots (22–44 Mm) and spatially unresolved fluxtubes change in opposite phase with difference no more than one year.

Keywords: Sun; magnetic fields; sunspots; fluxtubes


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