Astronomical School’s Report, 2013, Volume 9, Issue 1, Pages 28–36
UDC 523.98
The role of the negative helical turbulent viscosity in the fragmentations of the magnetic fields on the Sun
Krivodubskij V.N.
Astronomical Observatory, Kyiv Shevchenko National University, Ukraine
The review of researches of displays of negative turbulent viscosity effect in the meteorological, geophysical and astrophysical phenomena is done. Underline, that spiral (helical) motions in rotating convective turbulence promote an inversion energy cascade from small-scale to the large-scale pulsations, what results in the effect of negative turbulent viscosity. Our calculations based on turbulent parameters for two solar convection zone (SCZ) models showed that favourable conditions for helical negative turbulent viscosity existence are created in deep layers. The possible role of the helical negative turbulent viscosity in formation of the discrete magnetic force flux tubes near bottom of the SCZ is discussed.
Keywords: negative turbulent viscosity; helical motions; convection zone; magnetic force flux tubes
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