Astronomical School’s Report, 2012, Volume 8, Issue 2, Pages 119–128
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UDC 524.3-14

Solar stellar and substellar environment. III. Statistical bonds and distribution functions

Zakhozhay V.A.1, Babenko M.O.2

1Kharkiv V.N.Karazin National University, Ukraine
2Kherson State University, Ukraine


Statistical connections between the main stellar and substellar characteristics, as a consequence of their computed physical evolutionary models are analyzed. The calculated differential distribution functions of the stellar and substellar astrophysical properties are considered. The analysis and graphs of calculated mass and radii spectra, functions of luminosity, masses, metallicity and angular diameters of nearest stars and substars are presented. The comparison with results of similar calculations for other samples of stars in the Galaxy are presented.

Keywords: stars; substars; determination of stellar physical characteristics


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