Astronomical School’s Report, 2012, Volume 8, Issue 2, Pages 108–118
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UDC 524.3-14

Solar stellar and substellar environment. II. Classification and determination of main characteristics

Zakhozhay V.A.1, Babenko M.O.2

1Kharkiv V.N.Karazin National University, Ukraine
2Kherson State University, Ukraine


The problem of classification of celestial bodies of the Galaxy which takes into account the astrophysical and cosmogonic criteria is discussed. The main ideas and arguments of the stellar, substellar and planetary minimum mass calculation are considered. The meaning and definitions of these celestial bodies are given. The problems of determination of nearest stellar and substellar basic characteristics (masses, radii, effective temperatures, elemental composition and age) are analyzed.

Keywords: stars; substars; determination of stellar physical characteristics


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