Astronomical School’s Report, 2011, Volume 7, Issue 2, Pages 271–276
UDC 523.6+521
Сomplexes of minor bodies in the Solar system
Terentjeva A.K., Barabanov S.I.
Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
In this paper three complexes of minor bodies in the Solar System are considered. First complex is related with periodic comet Finlay. It includes meteorite Murchison, fall on 1969 September 28 in Australia, fireball stream, five asteroids, comet Haneda–Campos (D/1978 R1), and perhaps, comet Lexell (1770 I) with its family of minor meteor streams.Thea family of comet C/SOHO (2002 V5), consisting of 20 comets, and a large shower of small meteoroids, detected by radar observations (191 orbit), are the second complex of small bodies. The C/SOHO (2001 D1) with two showers of meteoric bodies, found by radar observations (155 orbits) belongs to the third complex of small bodies. The composition of the comet and meteor wide complex also includes a showers of the May Skorpionid with bright meteors and fireballs.
Keywords: complexes of minor bodies; comet Finlay; meteorite Murchison; comet Haneda–Campos (D/1978 R1); comet Lexell (1770 I); comet C/SOHO (2002 V5) family; comet C/SOHO (2001 D1)
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