Astronomical School’s Report, 2011, Volume 7, Issue 2, Pages 241–244
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UDC 523.6+528.2

Thermal explosions of cometary nuclei in the Earth's atmosphere

Kruchinenko V.G., Churyumov K.I., Churyumova T.K., Melnik O.K.

Kyiv Shevchenko National University, Ukraine


It is shown that the meteoroid explosion over the Mediterranean is likely generated by a comet body, the initial mass equal to about 7·108 g. This follows from certain authors of [12] flare energy equal to 26 kilotons of TNT. The authors suggest that this energy refers to the height of maximum deceleration. At a speed of 20.3 km/s, adopted by the authors, body weight at this height is 5·108 g, and during re-entry, it was about 7·108 g.

Keywords: dynamics of the Earth's atmosphere; interaction with cometary nuclei


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