Astronomical School’s Report, 2011, Volume 7, Issue 2, Pages 208–220
UDC 523.6
The optical spectra of comets
Churyumov K.І.1, Chubko L.S.2, Ponomarenko V.O.1
1Astronomical Observatory, Kyiv Shevchenko National University, Ukraine
2National Aviation University, Ukraine
We present an analytical overview of the spectral studies of comets with medium and high resolution. The article briefly laid out the stages of formation of modern ideas about the physics of comets and the influence on the process of spectral data. Examined in detail the main types of cometary emissions, namely: C2, C3, CN, NH, NH2, OH, H, O, Na and the emission of molecular ions. Revealed the most reasoned opinions on the “grandfather”, “parent” and “daughter” molecules of cometary atmospheres. Accentuated the problem areas and discussion issues.
Keywords: spectroscopy of comets; physical properties of comets
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