Astronomical School’s Report, 2011, Volume 7, Issue 1, Pages 42–47
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UDC 551.510

Temperature changes of the Earth upper atmosphere over storms from satellite measurements

Kozak L.V., Pylypenko S.G.

Kyiv Shevchenko National University, Ukraine


In the paper we analyze temperature changes of the earth upper atmosphere over 6 storms, which occurred in 1993–1994 years. The measurements from satellite UARS in altitudinal range from 80 km to 300 km were used. The obtained temperature increasing at the heights of mesopause can be explained by the propagation and dissipation of atmosphere gravity waves in non-isothermal atmosphere with taking into account the viscosity and thermal conductivity. After numerical modeling we found that the temperature gradient along altitude had been the main factor of dissipation and propagation of the waves. At the same time, the amplitude of the waves has low dependence from coefficients of viscosity and thermal conductivity.

Keywords: remote aerospace sensing; gravitational waves in the Earth's atmosphere; properties of hurricanes


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