Astronomical School’s Report, 2009, Volume 6, Issue 1, Pages 83–87
UDC 523.44
Brightness behavior of asteroids at small phase angles. Results of observations
Tereschenko I.A.1, Shevchenko V.G.1, Chiorny V.G.1, Krugly Yu.N.1, Belskaya I.N.1, Gaftonjuk N.M.2
1Institute of Astronomy, Kharkiv V.N.Karazin National University, Ukraine
2Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, Ukraine
This work is a continuation of the observing program devoted the investigation of brightness behavior for different asteroid types in wide range of phase angles including very small phase angles (<1 deg) that is performed in Astronomical Institute of Kharkiv Karazin National University in collaboration with other observatories. We carried out new CCD observations for eight asteroids (composition types are given in parentheses): 122 Gerda (ST), 176 Iduna (G), 214 Aschera (E), 218 Bianca (S), 250 Bettina (M), 635 Vundtia (C), 717 Wisibada (D), 1279 Uganda (C). For six asteroids the observations were performed in four standard BVRI spectral bands. As a result we obtained the lightcurves and the magnitude-phase dependences for the above-mentioned asteroids.
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