Astronomical School’s Report, 2004, Volume 5, Issue 1-2, Pages 259–263
UDC 523.68, 521.95, 520.82
Astrometric and photometric precision of measurements at digital processing of tv wide-angle images of astronomical objects
Kozak P.N., Rozhilo A.A.
Astronomical Observatory, Kyiv Shevchenko National University, Ukraine
The analysis of methods of astrometric and photometric processing of star images at TV observations with wide-angle lenses is carried out. Classic methods which are used at CCD-images processing and use fits of star image shapes and also non-standard methods, which include both fits of non-symmetric contours of star-like objects by functions and non-fit methods are considered. Iteration methods of star image and background separation in local place of a frame are examined. The investigation was carried out for TV tube of izokon type, photographic lenses Jupiter–3 and Helios–40, videotape recorders of VHS and Super-VHS types.
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