Astronomical School’s Report, 2004, Volume 5, Issue 1-2, Pages 254–258
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UDC 524.387

Automatic continuum echelle spectra normalization

Lyashko D.A.1, 2

1Tavrida National V.I. Vernadsky University, Ukraine
2Institute for Astronomy, University of Vienna, Austria


For continuum normalization we use a spectrum of a flat field. This approach allows to take into account the hardware distortions brought echelle spectrograph and to automate process of carrying out of a continuum. The given approach allows solving one of the main problems normalization on a continuum in orders which contain hydrogen lines. By development of a complex of programs of automatic processing echelle spectra, the supervision received on spectrograph have been used: GIRAFFE (SAA0); Southern Africa, SARG (TNG) Italy, BOES (BOAO) South Korea.



  1. Tsymbal V., Lyashko D., Weiss W.W. Processing stellar echelle spectra, IAU Symposium No 210. Modelling of Stellar Atmospheres.
  2. Baglin A., Auvergne M., Barge P., Buey J.-T., Catala C., Michel E., Weiss W.W. and the COROT Team COROT: asteroseismology and planet finding, Proceedings of the First Eddington Workshop, ESA SP-485, 2002, P. 17.
  3. Kaufer A. Uv-visual echelle spectrograph (uves) templates reference guide. Doc. No VLT-TRE-ESO-13200-1567, Issue 2.2, Date 10/01/2004.

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