Astronomical School’s Report, 2004, Volume 5, Issue 1-2, Pages 198–206
UDC 523.985 + 52–337
Spectral manifestations of the small-scale magnetic field inhomogeneity in solar flare on 25 October 2003
Osika O.B., Lozits’ky V.G.
Astronomical Observatory, Kyiv Shevchenko National University, Ukraine
We present the results of investigation of the M1.8/2N solar flare on 25 October 2003 which has been arised in active region NOAA 10484. Two spectral lines of FeI, 630.15 and 630.25 nm, were investigated to diagnose the small-scale magnetic field structures. It was found that measured averaged longitudinal magnetic field Вk in FeI 630.25 line exceeds similar field in FeI 630.15 for flare region whereas for non-flare places these fields were practically the same. So long as these line shave practically the same hights of formation and temperature sensitivities but different Lande factors, this effect is a evidence to the spatially unresolved magnetic field structure with true magnetic strengths more than 100 mT. Detailed study of the Stokes I ±V profiles bisectors shown that their shape do not corresponds the case of a homogeneous field. The minimum of bisector splitting В was found for reduced distances from line center λn =17–21 pm, that indicates the existence the small-scale magnetic field of opposite polarity with strength of B =490±50mT. Likely, occuring of such much strong fields in this active region causes the violent energy process in form of solar flare.
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