Astronomical School’s Report, 2004, Volume 5, Issue 1-2, Pages 88–94
UDC UDC 523.681
The Kunya–Urgench H5 Chondrite and its cosmophysical evidence
Alexeev V.A., Gorin V.D., Ivliev A.I., Kashkarov L.L., Ustinova G.K.
V.I.Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
The fresh-fallen Kunya–Urgench H5 chondrite was studied in various aspects including natural and induced (X-ray and γ-ray) thermoluminescence, tracks of VH nuclei, and cosmogenic radionuclides with different half-lives. The experimental data, comparative analysis, and theoretical modelling were used to reconstruct the shock-thermal and radiation history of the chondrite, to estimate its preatmospheric size and orbit dimensions, and to characterize the radiation conditions in the heliosphere during the decline of the 22nd solar cycle.
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