Astronomical School’s Report, 2004, Volume 5, Issue 1-2, Pages 8–15
UDC 528
The Earth’s pole position and rotation speed prediction
Zotov L.V.
Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Russia
Oscillations of the rotation axis inside the Earth and variations of planetary rotation speed reflect many astronomical and geophysical processes taking place at our planet and in the space. Monitoring and prediction of the Earth’s rotation parameters are of fundamental interest for astrometry, and geophysics, and are of applied interest for space navigation and global positioning. The precision of the Earth rotation observations exceeds the modelling precision. Applying the modern mathematical methods permits improving of the Earth rotation parameters prediction quality. Prognoses are obtained due to autoregression, and collocation, and neural networks. Comparison with the predictions given by International Earth Rotation Service (IERS) is performed.
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